You have a little God in your brain

Just let me explain…

Mil Hoornaert
Story Saturday
4 min readApr 20, 2024


A brain that also is tree
A brain that also is a tree (a braintree?)~ Generated with AI by the author

Seriously, you actually have a little God in your brain.

It won’t sound that weird after I’ve explained it a bit.

We all know there are people that believe in God, people that believe in other things like the law of attraction, and people that believe in themselves. Though these 3 things can definitely be combined, it doesn’t happen that much.

3 people praying
3 people praying ~ Generated with AI by the author

But… did you know that all of these 3 things are actually the same?

Let me explain it with an example.

Let’s say you have to go to the top of a mountain, and there are 3 roads. One straight ahead, one to the right side of the mountain and one to the left side.

They all are the same length and difficulty, and bring you to the same place.

A road leading to the top of a mountain
A road leading to the top of a mountain ~ Generated with AI by the author

They are simply 3 different ways of getting to the same thing.

In that way, praying, attracting and believing are 3 different ways to get the same result: your dreams.

Whether you ask God to help you out, think about your dream to attract it, or believe in yourself to get there, the end result is the same. You get what you want, and you do it in different ways.

2 people attracting their dreams in different ways
2 people attracting their dreams in different ways ~ Generated with AI by the author

Combining these 3 is not more effective than using just one, so it really doesn’t matter how you do it. The point is that you do it.

Now what’s up with that ‘little God in your brain’?

Well, that ‘little God in your brain’, is your connection with the universe.

It can bring you in contact with God, it can send signals to attract things, and it can make you believe more in yourself. It’s a positive and multifunctional part of yourself.

Your brain makes the connections
Your brain makes the connections ~ Generated with AI by the author

You probably get how praying works, but those other 2?


I assume you’ve heard that our world consists of many different layers, no?

Some are visible to us, others aren’t.

One of those layers is filled with waves. Signals. Those waves have different wave lengths, and they represent our thoughts.

Similar frequency’s attract similar frequency’s
Similar frequency's attract similar frequency's ~ Generated with AI by the author

Those waves attract waves on similar wave lengths. It’s like putting a radio on a certain radio station. If you do that, your radio will start searching waves on the frequency of that station, and attract those.

The same goes for humans.

Our brains truly are way more complex and beautiful than we often think they are.

Our brains are things of beauty
Our brains are things of beauty ~ Generated with AI by the author

Because of how abstract and ‘weird’ these waves are, I prefer to think we have our own little radio station. A little God in our brain, that puts out our own waves, to attract similar ones.

Now that you know about this secret, you should use it wisely.

Don’t use it to do harm.

One more thing you should know: never ask for things you don’t want.

Only ask for the things you want
Only ask for the things you want ~ Generated with AI by the author

It can’t translate that into a wave, and the wave will remove the part that says you don’t want it. When you say ‘I don’t want it to rain’, it will turn that into ‘I want it to rain’.


Because you were thinking about rain, and what you think about is what it picks up.

That’s why visualising your dream life is powerful, and effective.

Things like visualising just work
Things like visualising just work ~ Generated with AI by the author

That’s why praying about what you would like to receive works.

That’s why believing you CAN do something works.

I do hope nobody misinterpreted this post, and thinks I am neglecting the power of religions and God(s).

That was never the point, and I personally would see myself as rather religious and a believer of God, than not.

Thanks for reading, follow me for more stories and share this with a friend!

Important message for all writers in this publication:

Mahmoud Mamo, Finn Hoornaert, Justine Christine, Alexander Debruyne, Alex Mathers, Zac Soliman | Mindset Mastery, The Sturg, Brenna Clark, Daniel T. Enantios Dromos, Janis Gross, THELENMAY, Randy Smith, Saumya Pal, Shirley J. Davis, Tabitha

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Mil Hoornaert
Story Saturday

Stories have the power to inspire, heal and educate. Share your stories in my publication: 'Story Saturday'.