You Won’t Always Be Loved

An Excerpt from “Alice in Wonderland”

Mystic Heart
Story Saturday


Photo by SAMANTA SANTY on Unsplash

This excerpt I’m about to share with you is short but full of wisdom.

Enjoy it…

“Do you love me?” Alice asked.

“No, I don’t love you,” replied the White Rabbit.

Alice frowned and clasped her hands together, as she did when she was hurt.

“See?” replied the White Rabbit.

“Now you will start asking yourself what makes you flawed and what you did to make me not love you, not even a little bit.

You know, that’s why I don’t love you.

You won’t always be loved, Alice.

There will be times when other people are tired and bored with life, when their heads are in the clouds, and they’ll hurt you. Because people are like that, they’ll always hurt each other’s feelings in some way. Sometimes it’s because of their carelessness, sometimes it’s because of their misunderstandings, and sometimes it’s because of their own conflicts with themselves.

If you don’t love yourself a bit, if you don’t armor yourself with self-love and happiness, even the smallest irritations that others inflict on you will be fatal and damaging.

When I first saw you, I made a deal with myself: ‘I will refrain from loving you until you love yourself.’”

-Lewis Carrol,
“Alice in Wonderland”

Created by the Author

With Love🙏



Mystic Heart
Story Saturday

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻