Writing Tips

Hit More Home Runs as a Writer

A GREAT baseball player gets on base 30% of the time

Quiet Cacophony
Story Second Chances
8 min readFeb 10, 2021


Writers hit more home runs
Image by author via Canva

Are you tired of striking out? Do you step up to the plate to hit a home run, only to whiff and walk away defeated? Would you love to be the hero of the game but instead feel like you lost the World Series?

In this article, I’m offering an analogy on writing, I’ll investigate two of my posts that failed, and I’ll promote and investigate three other writers’ posts. I’ll also talk about this new publication and a contest/project I’d like you to join.

I’m talking about writing using a baseball analogy, so let me talk about baseball a little (for anyone reading and not understanding the metaphor). Hopefully, afterward, you will be able to hit more writing home runs.

Batter’s Up — A Brief Overview of Baseball

For this analogy, it is good for you to know a few things about baseball. Mainly, when a player goes up to bat, they get three chances to hit the ball. (This is a very basic overview, so I’m not going into the detailed rules, such as foul balls, etc.) If they miss the ball three times, they are out. They lost their chance to get on base.

