Want to Become a Better Writer? Critique Others.

Here’s a publication giving you a chance to do just that.

Mary DeVries
Story Second Chances


Photo by MJ S on Unsplash

A funny thing happened after I started a publication to give stories a second chance at success. My own writing got better.

It turns out thinking about what makes someone else’s story succeed or fail and trying to offer helpful advice is slowly training me to approach my own writing in the same way.

Not only that, but reading other people’s helpful comments, gives me insight into what other readers value in a story. This input is helping to shape how I tighten and improve my own writing to better serve my readers.

Interested? Read on and I’ll explain how you can use helping others to grow as a writer yourself.

How it works

If you aren’t familiar with Story Second Chances you can read more about it here. Basically, writers take an already published story that didn’t really take off and write a brief new story linking to the underperforming story. Readers look at the original story and then offer their comments on why it might have faltered.

My original goal was to give writers a chance to answer the question perplexing all of us from time to time. Why didn’t this story — which I thought totally hit the mark —…



Mary DeVries
Story Second Chances

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.