The Apple Tree and The Farmer — Will the Farmer Cut off The Tree?

Shagor Ahamed
Story that Matters
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2024

Everyone has values and you are one of them, never think you are a valueless person.

The Apple Tree and The Farmer — will the farmer

Once, a farmer who lived in a small village, beside a nice forest. Around his house was a big garden where there was a big apple tree along with beautiful flowers and other trees.

The farmer spent most of the time with the apple tree when he was a child. In those days, The old apple tree was given a lot of choices Apples to him.

However, as time went by, the tree became old and stopped giving any apples. At that time, the farmer was getting no apples from the old apple tree. He thought that this tree was useless.

So, He decided to cut off the tree and use its wood to make some new furniture. He assumed that since the tree was old and huge. It will not give any food to eat so it is better to cut the tree and use it properly.

However, he forgot when he was in childhood most of the time spent climbing up and eating apples the whole day.

Now, The tree was the living place of many including sparrows, squirrels and a vast number of birds and insects. They were all begging the farmer when he came with an axe to cut the tree.

They gathered around the farmer and said:

Please don’t reap the tree. Remember the time of your childhood when we all play together around this very tree? Without this, we have no place to go.

There was a lot of noise when the farmer raised his axe to cut the apple tree without thinking about those animals. The squirrel cried out and said:

Please don’t reap and destroy my little child's home

This time, The Birds cried out and said:

Please don’t reap and destroy my home

Again, The grasshopper cried out and said:

Please don’t reap and destroy my nest

The farmer has forgotten everything about his childhood and his little friends. He started hard to cut off the tree. To see this all, they became desperate, and they thought they had to protect the tree at any cost.

Those little animals said:

we sang for you when you had no friends. We look after you like a baby in your childhood days.

He hasn’t cried instead he felt dandy and happy to hear this. However, Their all effort and crying didn’t melt the ice of the farmer’s heart. On the other hand, after doing all their request the farmer continued to reap the tree.

Suddenly, a ray of lightning is coming to his face. On inspecting it, he understands that it was a beehive full of honey. He took a small piece and put it in his mouth. This sweet taste woke up his childhood memories and came back slowly.

The taste of honey was so good and wanted more. It brought happiness which was for a long time. He smiled and exclaimed

The taste of the honey is amazing

Understanding the change in the farmer's attitude. All the animals spoke together: The bee said:

I will Provide you with sweet honey

The squirrel said:

I will share my nuts with you

The birds cried and said:

We will sing every day if you want

Finally, The Farmer realizes his foolishness and then he put down his axe. He Understands that this tree is the home of many creatures. The Farmer realizes that maybe this tree doesn’t give any food but it was giving more than food. This tree is the home of many animals. For that, he promised that:

I will not think to cut off the tree again

You all can live here with peace and harmony. They all thanked the little bee for giving them honey if the farmer had not found the beehive, at this moment they would be homeless now.

Moral: In this world, every single little creature has value when we lose that we understand the importance. Right now, One of the major problems on the earth is global warming. We should take a step forward to save those things.

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Shagor Ahamed
Story that Matters

Founder and CEO of Umar Farooq R. Build audiences with content creation and promotion methodology. He loves to talk about motivational stories, books etc.