The Elephant Rope Story with Moral

Shagor Ahamed
Story that Matters
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2022

Everyone tries to drag you back but you have to fight for yourself.

The Elephant Rope Story with Moral

A young man was walking through the Elephant camp, and he certainly stopped for a few minutes and looked at the elephants that weren’t either kept in the cage or using any chain.

one single small rope was holding them all back rather than escaping from the camp and that rope was attached to one of their single legs.

After watching this the young man was in a complete dilemma how is it possible not to go anywhere by breaking the rope as they are so strong than the small rope?

They could have easily done that still, they didn’t attempt anything.

The exciting and curious young man wants to know the answer, he went to the corner of the field where a trainer was watching everything, and the young man asked the trainer about the reason:

The Trainer said: When they were very small and thin at that time it was enough to tie them up to the small rope.

As they grew up with this belief that they couldn’t break the rope right now as well. As a matter of fact, they didn’t try to escape or go from here.

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The one single and main fact is that for a long-time they all hold up by this small single rope and they have adopted in their mind that they can’t go anywhere.

So, they think, they could not tear up the rope anyway.

Moral Talks: It is hard to do what you want, the world tries to hold you back but you have to keep searching for your dream and your passion. One day will get it for sure.

To find For more motivation and inspiration read Inspiring Stories for Amazing Boys (Amazon Book).



Shagor Ahamed
Story that Matters

Founder and CEO of Umar Farooq R. Build audiences with content creation and promotion methodology. He loves to talk about motivational stories, books etc.