The Tests

Chapter 1 of an unbound story. Write the story with us.

Tom Farr
2 min readOct 20, 2015


by Tom Farr

Cindi peered into her parents’ bedroom through the door that was cracked open just enough for her to see her mom sitting on the bed while her dad paced back and forth, his every footstep sounding like a pounding on the floor. Her mom was cowering and holding her hands over her face.

“We can’t do this anymore, Liz,” her dad said. “Soon she’s going to find out that she’s not normal.”

Her mom looked up at him then. “What if she is normal, Craig?” she said. “We don’t know for sure. The tests were inconclusive.”

This wasn’t the first time they’d had the argument. Cindi was well aware that there was something different about her, but she didn’t want her parents to know that she knew. Cindi stepped away from her parents’ door, careful not to make a sound.

“We’ve seen her do things…” Her dad’s voice was trailing off.

Cindi walked downstairs. Her shoes were by the front door where she’d left them when she got home from school. She sat on the floor and put them on.

When she walked outside, she was disappointed in how heavily the sun beat down. She wanted it to be cooler. She stared up at the sky. Immediately, the clear blue sky was overtaken by large dark clouds. Cindi smiled.

She looked back at the front door of her house where her parents stood inside the doorway, their eyes wide.

Story Unbound

This is part of an unbound (openly shared) story for you to stitch to (write the next chapter). Read this to learn more, sign up, and then respond below.



Tom Farr

Tom is a writer and high school English teacher. He loves creating and spending time with his wife and children. For freelancing, email