I want to see myself love myself — @theveon #MisimuZangu

Story Zetu
Story Zetu
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2016

Bensoul’s ‘Ningependa Nikuchukie’ has been playing for the last 10 hours, maybe more. A continuous thump in my ear, just one ear. Left to catch a terribly old movie on TV, then came back and found him crooning mid hook. I listen and it feels like it is no longer his song, my feelings have found a life in his voice, the words are no longer his, they are no longer there; all that’s left is vocalized feels. Then he sings, ‘No, no, noo…’ (And I can feel him stop himself before he screams) I rub my hip on the mattress, even circular rubs, but only when I am lying on the right side because my dancing is only good on one side. I stop where the ‘no’s stop. Then I just lay still and listen to the rest of the song, I listen to it die and start all over again

Then I want to text his girlfriend, ‘Yoh, your boyfriend is now our boyfriend.’

But it is only 4.01 in the morning and I think I have some semblance of manners. So instead of texting, I listen to the song one more time, then one more time, then one more time… and each time he sings ‘Ningependa nikuchukie’ , I think to myself, ‘Ningependa Nikupende’.

I want to see myself love myself. I want to talk about self love, and not the kind that insists you do not use glycerin products. I want to question what love is, then build from there… but at 22, crazily encroaching on 23, after X amount of boyfriends, after Y amount of boys that were dating me in relationships I didn’t even know I was in (and vice versa), it feels like it would be wrong to start a conversation questioning something that I have strongly professed.

So I shut up, and listen to that one song. One more time. Then One More time. Then I know it is time to stop thinking of a love that I cannot define, and I make an effort to gravitate towards something else. And since writing is my life…

I have been hoping to write, all night. I want to write. Love feels like writing. Pain feels like writing. Feeling feels like writing and right now there is a feeling at the back of my face. It has been there all weekend, and all of Monday. It feels like the taste of a green mango with a side of salt and I would die, I would kill to be able to write it but there are no adequate words to turn my green-mango-with-a-side-of-salt feeling into sensible sentences. So, I toss, with the lights off and the flashlight on my phone turned on (because lately, thanks to Ngatia and Juliet, I am afraid of snakes crawling into my bed). Then uninvited, bad thoughts crawl in; someone recently called my writing generic and weak and myself; moody, sulky.. a bad emotional fit (for her) and while I am convinced she was wrong, I find myself thinking about this almost daily.

I find myself thinking about this every time I think about my writing. This morning is no exception. Then Kaesa interrupts, because Kaesa recently developed a talent for interrupting when I am being self absorbed (pitying?)…and at the end of his interruption, I am thinking, ‘I want to be the kind of person you call to pray with’

I am not though, not yet, but Bensoul is still playing, I think I’ll send that text after all. ‪#‎MisimuZangu‬ feels strange in my mouth but don’t let that stop you from sharing something (personal) using the tag and photo).

Original Facebook post.

Digital art by kelvin kaesa



Story Zetu
Story Zetu

Narratives are life. Facebook: Storyzetu l Twitter: @Storyzetu l Email: sema @ storyzetu . co . ke l Instagram: @Storyzetu l http://youtube.com/c/storyzetu