How Does Music Affect Our Brains and Emotions?

C. L. Nichols, Author
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2024


Music is a powerful force that has the ability to move us in ways that few other things can. It can make us feel happy, sad, angry, or even nostalgic.

Why does music have such a profound impact on our emotions? How does it affect our brains?

Have you ever listened to a song and felt like it was speaking directly to you? Maybe it brought back memories of a special moment in your life, or maybe it just made you feel good. Music has a way of connecting with us on a deep emotional level.

According to Daniel Levitin, a psychological scientist, there’s nothing in a sequence of notes themselves that creates the rich emotional associations we have with music.

Our brains impose a structure on sounds, and music affects us very differently than most patterns. When we listen to music, our brains work to arrange it into a coherent whole based on experience and expectations. This is why music can trigger profound emotional experiences.

Researchers have shown that music stimulates the cerebellum, a region of the brain crucial to motor control. Connections between the cerebellum and the limbic system (which is associated with emotion) may explain why movement, emotion, and music are tied together.

