Drive Engagement with Storyboard Text and Voice Comments

JP Gooderham
Published in
4 min readNov 19, 2020
Drive Listener Engagement through Storyboard Comments

There is no shortage of lessons to be learned from our experiences in 2020, but perhaps the most enduring corporate lesson of all is the importance of having an effective and all-encompassing plan for remote collaboration and communication amongst people and teams.

Whether you’re using Storyboard already to collaborate internally or considering internal podcasts as a tool to revamp and modernize corporate communication, the platform is uniquely positioned to meet your employees where they are.

But when utilized most effectively, Storyboard goes above and beyond simply providing users with highly targeted and relevant audio content. It can also be a tool to improve employee engagement internally.

This post is about using Storyboard comments to drive engagement and participation in your podcast channels.

Drive Employee Engagement with Text Comments

Storyboard is much more than an audio platform where users passively listen to recorded content that is pushed out to them. We encourage all of our organizations to take advantage of the many collaboration tools available and heighten the experience for employees and administrators alike.

One such feature designed specifically for engagement and best use of the product is text commenting available for each episode.

By using text comments often, employees are able to engage with each podcast’s content creators directly. Individual users can ask the creator questions, whether they be for clarification or for additional information on topics presented.

On the Admin side of things, content creators and moderators are able to respond to comments directly via the Admin Portal. By responding to all comments within the Admin feed, administrators and the podcast hosts enable a lively back and forth discussion with their listeners.

Use Cases for Text Comments

Delivering an On-Demand Training through Storyboard

When using Storyboard to deliver an on-demand training session, it is helpful to have a space for participants to ask follow-up questions during or after the training. Storyboard’s text commenting space works well for this use case. Participants can post their questions and see that their peers are also participating in the conversation. Meanwhile, administrators are able to answer each question appropriately and display the back and forth nature of the training discussion.

Soliciting Product Research and Use Cases From Employees on the Go

Some of your best intelligence will come from employees in the field; don’t let this go to waste! Use comments as a tool to gather examples for product research, use cases, and examples of how customers may be leveraging your company’s services. By taking inventory of your employees’ ideas, you are not only receiving valuable information but also stockpiling insights for future podcast episodes.

Highlight Top Performers and Company Successes with Voice Comments

Voice comments are another great way to capture employee feedback within Storyboard channels. After an episode has concluded, show listeners can record vocal comments and submit them for review from right within the Storyboard app, using no other software or recording equipment.

When used most effectively, voice comments truly enhance the user experience on Storyboard. In addition to capturing listener feedback, we recommend that voice comments be used to feature listeners on future episodes. Here are a couple examples of how we suggest taking advantage of voice comments.

1) Highlighting a “Win of the Week” via Storyboard.

Corporate sales teams benefit greatly from “win of the week” meetings. These sessions improve camaraderie and also enable team members to improve by gleaning insights from their colleagues.

By using Storyboard voice comments, you are able to efficiently distribute wins of the week that your salespeople can listen to at their convenience. This use case is a great bonus this year, when sales teams are unable to meet in person. Admins are not limited to using these voice comments for one posting either. By revisiting the queue of comments submitted by users, admins are able to post additional episodes with other examples of team wins. Thus, these vocal comments can be used for content for many episodes in an ongoing manner.

2) Surfacing a Great Customer Story through listener submissions

You want to surface your great customer highlights, and you want to make sure those stories don’t get buried in your employees’ email inboxes. We couldn’t agree more, and we’ve got just the suggestion to spotlight these wins. Encourage your listeners to submit customer stories through Storyboard voice comments, and distribute them in future episodes. You’re able to highlight company successes, and your audience will love directly contributing.

We hope this post has illuminated the ways in which Storyboard comments can be used to enhance your experience on the platform. As always, please reach out to the team here at Storyboard with any additional questions on this or any other features.

If you would like to get started, you can create a free Storyboard Hobby account for up to 50 listeners today to see how audio can transform your communication strategy.

You can also learn more about launching your first internal company podcast in our audio series POPP available right here.



JP Gooderham

Founder of Storyboard Podcasts — a platform for companies and organizations to engage and inform and through podcasting. Go to to learn more.