Product Updates: Introducing Share Pages, Improved Audio Commenting, and More!

Mariya Harris


We’re excited to announce three new product enhancements that will elevate the user experience for our Storyboard administrators and bring more power to your team’s communications.

Whether you’re an existing customer or just discovering our product for the first time, we believe these updates will help you take your team’s internal comms to the next level.

Here are the most recent Storyboard updates:

  • Shares pages offer a new way to invite users to your channel
  • Audio comments are now accessible in the admin portal
  • Push notifications for listeners and administrators

Let’s dive into more detail about these feature updates, plus additional improvements we’ve made to the Storyboard platform.

Share pages and invite requests

Need an easy way to spread the word about your organization’s channel? Are your employees interested in sharing content with their peers, but aren’t sure how to?

Share pages do just that — and much more.

When any existing user in your organization copies and shares the link to an episode, a branded company page will generate with that link. This is known as a share page.

The link will redirect to a login screen that is personalized with your company’s name and logo, creating a familiar experience for your team and helping them easily recognize your organization on Storyboard.

This link can also be shared with team members who don’t have an existing Storyboard account. The share page link has a built-in request feature so that anyone who is interested in tuning in to your content can request an invite to join the team’s channel.

Keep in mind that pending users will never receive access to any of your organization’s content. They will not be added to your channel until they are first approved by an administrator.

You can view and manage all pending users within your administrator web portal.

Enhanced audio comments

Our audio comment feature offers a way for listeners to respond to your episodes quickly and easily, saving them time and effort compared to typing out text comments.

This form of commenting allows listeners to easily leave feedback, thoughts, and ideas directly on your episode using just their voice.

We are excited to announce our enhanced audio comment experience that now gives you access to audio comments, in addition to text comments, on the web platform.

As an administrator, you can now see, play, and moderate listener audio comments directly in your admin portal. Comments will be included on the details page of each episode.

Two-way communication has never been easier, and now it’s directly accessible at your fingertips. With this feature, you can ensure that you’re always up to date on your team’s responses.

Visit your admin portal, find an episode, and check out the comment section to try out this feature with your team!

In-app push notifications for listeners

With push notifications, your listeners can easily stay up to date with any newly published content. Listeners will be notified right away once the content is live in their feed.

If they haven’t played a new episode in 7 days, they will receive a mobile push notification reminding them to tune in. They will also receive a notification in 14 days if they still haven’t listened.

These notifications are a valuable tool to help reach your users and keep them engaged in a relevant and timely manner. Push notifications can help:

📈 Increase engagement by providing a direct way to reach listeners, which increases the likelihood that they will engage with the content being shared.

🕒 Provide real-time notifications on published episodes, alerting your team of new content that may include important news, events, and other current information.

📱Improve the overall user experience for listeners by delivering relevant and personalized information and keeping listeners engaged with the platform.

Whether you’re publishing content once a day or once a week, push notifications are a great way to ensure that users know of episodes that are ready for them to tune in to on their feed.

Email and push notifications for administrators

When an administrator publishes an episode, listeners can leave comments and start conversations with their team members.

We’ve added new notifications where administrators will now be notified anytime there is new comment activity from their team.

A mobile push notification and an email notification will be sent to the administrator who created the episode any time someone comments, or replies to a comment, on their episode.

What’s next for Storyboard

As the leading audio platform for internal and private podcasting, Storyboard is helping thousands of organizations tear down silos and transform their internal communications.

Our team is working hard to continuously improve our platform and invest in creating an audio communications tool that gives your organization the flexibility to focus on your frontline teams.

Your feedback is important to us! We love hearing directly from our users on how we can improve your experience and make Storyboard an indispensable tool for your deskless employees.

To share your ideas, please reach out to the Storyboard team directly at

Stay in touch with Storyboard! Find us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

