Too much screen time? Here’s why your workplace would benefit from a private podcast

Mariya Harris


The era of working from home was launched to new heights in recent years. Companies adapted to new ways of working and have since then relied on video meetings, instant messaging, and other communication tools to keep their employees connected.

With the benefits of remote work came the cons, and one major con has remained consistent across many organizations: the addition of increased screen time.

If you’ve experienced an uptick in meetings and added communications, you may find yourself constantly glued to your laptop, phone, or any other device. While some require in-person communication, a significant amount of meetings primarily consist of informative topics.

What if you could take meetings like product updates, team news, sales reports, etc., and turn them into asynchronous, easily accessible podcasts that don’t require added screen time?

In an episode of our “Behind the Mic: The Creator Series”, Alex Wagner, VP of Marketing at Pepper, discusses his experience with increased screen time for work, why he believes in audio as a distinct communication tool, and why he has brought private podcasting to multiple organizations.


A quote from Alex Wagner, VP of Marketing at Pepper, about private podcasting

What is a private podcast?

A private podcast is a secure form of communication for enterprise teams, companies, and other organizations. The concept of a podcast remains the same, but the distribution of the content is what distinguishes this form of communication from traditional public-facing audio.

Private podcasts are internal to your team (or whoever you choose to add as a listener), making the channels inaccessible to anyone outside of your organization. Audio is a great way to share messages across the company, stay connected with updates from other teams, and keep everyone in the workplace on the same page.

Whether you’re creating a 5-minute update for your team or sharing corporate training for thousands of employees, a private podcast hosted on a secure audio platform offers the best and most flexible way to deliver content to your organization.

The benefits of private podcasting

Let’s face it: video fatigue is real, especially in a remote environment.

After countless video meetings and working long hours in front of a screen, the last thing your employees want to do is read documentation or watch an online training. To combat the added screen time and fatigue, take a look at some of the benefits of private company podcasting.

👉 Improves internal communications with an easy-to-use, on-demand medium.

👉 Offers an asynchronous and accessible way to receive content anytime, anywhere.

👉 Reduces screen time and allows listeners the flexibility to multi-task while tuning in.

Although podcasting can sound intimidating, the best part about internal company audio is that it doesn’t require a studio, expensive equipment, or an excessive amount of time to get started.

Private podcasting can be as simple as opening an app on your phone, hitting record, and uploading a short audio file for your listeners. It can also be as intricate as a fully produced and seasoned audio show.

However your team chooses to use audio, private podcasting is the perfect way to deliver authentic content directly to your listeners.

Introducing private podcasting in the workplace

A private podcast might sound just like the solution your organization has been looking for, but how can you guarantee that your team will see success with this new medium? Let’s take a look at an employee who introduced private podcasting to multiple organizations.

A real-world example of audio for work

Alex Wagner is the VP of Marketing at Pepper, an e-commerce deals and promotion company based in Berlin, Germany. He initially discovered that podcasting was a missing opportunity in the workplace, following the initial spike in remote work during the 2020 pandemic:

On top of the increased screen time, the return on investment did not match the effort it took to create the information-packed presentations. A presentation that took hours to produce was often overlooked, or worse — not opened at all.

With all of the documentation readily available, there was no convenient way for employees to share and access the content without extending their deskbound workday.

To tackle this issue, Alex decided it was time to revolutionize the way his current team worked by introducing private podcasting to this organization. He had previously introduced podcasting to another company and seen major success in the way his team accepted the new form of communication.

Here’s how he launched a private podcast at Pepper:

After hearing positive results from employees across the entire organization, corporate podcasting became a standard for the company.

Private podcasting has helped Pepper reduce screen time, deliver a unified message across markets, offer an asynchronous way of communicating with everyone in the organization, and much more.

The company is now working on a consistent output of topics, creating interesting content for people to engage with, providing value for all team members, and even creating episodes for their career page to attract candidates and give them an insight into the culture at Pepper.

Listen to the full episode to hear Alex share more about what makes audio a distinct communications tool, how to create content that teams will love, tips and tricks for launching a successful company podcast, and more.

Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts

Getting started with private podcasting

Private podcasting is one of the most efficient ways to transform internal communications and keep everyone in the loop with asynchronous information, updates, news, and more. Whether your team is remote, hybrid, or deskless, podcasting is an easily accessible form of communication for any distributed workforce.

When it comes to keeping your content safe, it’s important to choose a platform that offers top-level security for your organization. As the leading audio and communications solution, Storyboard specializes in providing enterprise teams with an easy-to-use and curated audio-first experience.

Start a private podcast on Storyboard today by visiting the website and creating a free account (which allows creators to launch channels at no cost for up to 50 listeners). If you are interested in an enterprise plan, contact the sales team for more information or to receive a free demo of the platform.

“Behind the Mic: The Creator Series” is Storyboard’s own podcast featuring users who share why they brought podcasting to their organization, what makes audio a distinct communication tool for deskless and remote workers, and much more. Listen to all of our episodes, linked here.

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