April digest

Varun Vachhar
3 min readApr 28, 2021


One of the main reasons for Storybook’s popularity is the community ecosystem. There are thousands of UI developers releasing addons, guides, and tutorials. This digest shares the community’s most helpful resources.

Mock pages in Storybook

The growing trend is to build connected components and even pages in Storybook. Gone are the days of spinning up the database and back-end just to work on UI. Instead, teams use addons to mock API requests: MirageJS, Mock Service Worker, Axios, Apollo and urql.

All things testing

CSS & styling addons

Debugging CSS layouts is a pain! It’s impossible to eyeball alignment. Here’s a couple of addons that help:

Storybook works with your favourite tools

There is a guide for all your favorite tools:

Other handy tools

Now’s the best time to learn Storybook

Get started with this in-depth video tutorial!

❤️ Varun, DX @ Storybook

