How to connect props with Storybook Controls

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2 min readJul 13, 2022
Bring your docs to life with Storybook Controls!

You work hard to build reusable components but no one uses them. Why?

Documentation is the key to adoption. Storybook has tools like Controls to ensure that your brilliant work can be experienced by developers, designers, and product owners alike.

Controls are one of Storybooks most collaborative features. They allow anyone with a web browser interact with the props of a component and see updates in real time. No programming required!

Dive into chantastic’s latest YouTube tutorial and gain command over your Storybook Controls!

Watch the 9 minute tutorial on YouTube »

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Join the team behind Storybook and Chromatic. Build tools that are used in production by 100s of thousands of developers. Remote-first. View openings »

How to build connected components in Storybook
Presentational components like Avatar, Button, and Tooltip receive inputs exclusively via props and have no internal state. This makes it straightforward to isolate and write stories for them. However, components higher up in the application tree are trickier to build in isolation with Storybook. Read the full article »

