Storybook 6.2 just shipped
Future-proof component development
The JavaScript ecosystem moves at the speed of light. There’s a constant stream of framework updates and new tools.
When you adopt Storybook, you get the confidence that it’ll work with the latest production-ready tools.
Storybook 6.2 is a giant leap towards future-proofing your UI development workflow. It includes new features and integrations to make your life easier:
- 🚀 Frameworks: Vue 3, Svelte Native CSF
- 📦 Packaging: NPM 7, Yarn 2, ESM
- 🛠 Bundlers: Webpack 5, pluggable Vite, ESBuild, and Snowpack
- 🎛 Controls refresh with new JSON editor, color picker & URL params
- 💯 Hundreds of improvements like PostCSS 8 support and customizable sidebar navigation.
Try it today with a 1-minute install: npx sb upgrade
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❤️ Varun, DX @ Storybook