Storybook for Angular 12

Varun Vachhar
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Jun 9, 2021

Learn how to use Storybook with Angular 12 »

Angular holds a special place in the Storybook ecosystem. It was one of the first communities we integrated with back in 2017. And it also introduced TypeScript to Storybook. Since then, usage has grown to over 500k npm downloads a month.

Angular 12, the newest version, is smaller, faster, and easier to use. It also paves the way for a complete transition to the next-gen Ivy rendering engine.

We’re thrilled to ship official Angular 12 support — improving every aspect of the experience.

  • 🖼 Ivy rendering support
  • 📦 Webpack5 support
  • 🎛 Auto-generated controls & docs
  • 📝 Dynamic source snippets
  • 🎁 Zero-config setup w/ built-in TypeScript support
  • 📚 Updated tutorials and documentation

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💖 Varun, DX @ Storybook

