What’s new in Storybook 7.0 Docs?

New architecture, streamlined UX, and readymade doc blocks

Varun Vachhar


2 min readFeb 23, 2023


I am thrilled to share that Storybook 7 brings a revamped Docs feature with sleeker API and improved developer experience.

Storybook Docs made it easier for teams to document component libraries and design systems. It uses an innovative approach of auto-generating component documentation from stories.

Docs can also generate a prop table by inferring the component’s arg types, display source snippets and offers customization via MDX.

We learnt many lessons while building this functionality and collected a lot of user feedback. With Storybook 7.0, we had the opportunity to re-architect Docs and apply those learnings.

  • 🏛️ New component-centric information architecture
  • ⬆️ Upgraded to support MDX2
  • 🧱 More powerful and consistent Doc Blocks API

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