What do you want to learn?

Prayas Abhinav
Storyflock Journal
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2018

Often, we do not know how to go about filling our learning gaps. We might know what we are interested in, but that does not necessarily mean that we know what to learn to be able to fill those gaps. Mostly, we do not know how to go about identifying our learning gaps and align them with our interests and learning pathways. The role of education is not just to provide instruction or input but to provide the ‘glue’ for the above connection to happen.

How is this glue made available? In which forms does it exist?

This glue comprises of insights, intuition and suggestions. These are the primary deliverables of an educational experience. They are produced in ways described below.

First, suggestions are given for the performance of actions which builds a kind of experience.

Second, enough of these kinds of experiences are layered on top of each other to lead to the generation of intuition.

Third, a network of intuitions is connected to develop insights.

When this process is aligned together, and a few cycles of this arrangement are in operation, the learner in question is already on his/her way to becoming a self-learning.

This is the highest point that an educational experience can reach. Educational processes should be like a scaffold; it needs to disappear when it is not required anymore else it can limit more than it liberates.

Those who have gathered various insights and mapped a knowledge-system out of them tend to develop a false sense of authority and provide educational experiences from this position. This is a flawed system. Experts do not necessarily possess expertise in tracing a pathway for learners to reach where they are.

Experts are often taken up by their personality cult and are not able to even imagine their students going beyond them.

That’s another reason why we do not believe in the expertise-based model of education. The only expertise we possess is sometimes being able to make suggestions to be able to generate intuitions and develop insights.



Prayas Abhinav
Storyflock Journal

I am a teacher and an entrepreneur. I have worked with brands to formulate their digital strategies, social media campaigns and brand messaging.