5 Extraordinary Places Captured by Storyhunter Filmmakers

Video Strategist
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2017
The red crab migration on Christmas Island filmed for Great Big Story

1. The Devil’s Lagoon in the Andes

Shot by Storyhunter filmmaker and drone operator Mathias M.* for Great Big Story, this place is located high in the Chilean Andes and wasn’t known to their National Tourism Office until 2009. In the lagoon, the water is red and reaches temperatures of 100–120° F. 12,000 feet above sea level, Mathias had to make quite the trek to get there and capture these amazing shots.

2. The snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas

This incredible footage was captured by Storyhunter documentary filmmaker Alice C. for Pear Video, a Chinese digital news platform. The short doc gives an inside look into how global warming is melting the snow on the Himalayan mountains and affecting tourism in the area.

3. A mountain village in the Philippines

To get this story on the Philippines’ oldest tattoo artist for CNN, Storyhunter filmmaker and journalist, Jeremy K., had to drive to a remote mountain village fifteen hours north of Manila. The town, Buscalan, is surrounded by rice terraces and is home to about 200 households.

4. Life in the Gobi Desert

Storyhunter filmmaker DJ C. filmed this short National Geographic documentary on what it’s like to live in the Gobi Desert. Based in Hong Kong, DJ traveled to Inner Mongolia, where the desert has been rapidly expanding — forcing thousands to leave their homes and traditional ways of life.

5. The red crabs on Christmas Island

Storyhunter filmmaker Michael P. went to this remote island in the Indian Ocean to film the red crabs as they migrated from their home on the rainforest floor to the shore, where they lay eggs. Every year around October, 40 million red crabs migrate across the island.

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By D. Simone Kovacs, Storyhunter Editor

