The new Postings view.

See Our New Project Management Redesign!

Video Strategist
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2018


Our platform just got a huge makeover for clients, thanks to your feedback.

After weeks of collecting superb feedback from our passionate users, including clients like Group Nine Media, 60 Second Docs, Al Jazeera, OZY, and more, we’re excited to share what’s coming up next. Introducing the new Projects experience.

Improved Terminology and Behavior

Our network of professionals is large (20,000+) and diverse (192 countries). So diverse, that we needed to rethink our terminology so that it applied to everyone — across all industries.

Assignments are now called Postings. A simple name change, but something that much more clearly differentiates them from Projects a prior source of confusion.

Postings — an updated term from “Assignments”, meaning the call-to-action created by a client, for an immediate or future job.

Previously, a Project was created when a freelancer responded to your Posting. Moving forward, a Project is only created if a freelancer is hired. Until you hire a freelancer, all received proposals stay just that: Proposals.

Proposals — an updated term from “Pending Project”, meaning a freelancer’s submission to your Posting prior to being hired.

Projects —updated to begin only when you have hired a freelancer.

Mass Reply to Multiple Proposals

Send a message to multiple freelancers.

From both our clients and freelancers, one of the most common feedback points has been around responding to Proposals.

Freelancers want to know that their Proposal has been reviewed, but often you are too busy to respond to each one individually. We understand both sides.

That’s why we’ve made it easier to send a friendly note to the freelancers. You can follow-up with, or kindly decline, multiple people at once with a single message. Your note will appear only to the people you select.

Save Time when Reviewing Proposals with Favorites

View of Favorited freelancer, “Peter Snackers”, with the ability to filter by favorites at the right.

We heard how important it is to review Proposals with your team, but with so many applicants it was hard to keep track of which ones made the short-list. Instead of digging through your notes, use our new Favorites feature and everyone on your team will be able to see which ones you like the best.

New Features that Improve Your Team Workflow

View of a Posting that is, “Ready to mark complete”.

As part of our update, we’re also rolling-out several brand new features and improvements that clearly demonstrate actions that need to be taken and save you time:

  • Search for your Postings by title
  • Sort and filter Postings by last activity, needs action, posting deadline, date posted, or unread messages
  • Add followers from your team directly to a Posting
  • Improved view of Posting status based on view of pending, hired, or declined proposals
View of, “Followers of this posting”.

We’re constantly looking for ways to improve so that we can provide our users with the best possible experience. That’s why we value your feedback so highly.

We want to thank our whole network for contributing the feedback that inspired these updates. Please continue to let us know what we can do to make Storyhunter your first choice for all-things video.


To see what else the new Postings and Projects experience can do for you, learn more on our Help site.

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By the Storyhunter Staff

