What To Expect When Working With Freelancers

Video Strategist
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2018

If you’re new to working with freelancers, you might not know what to expect from the process. Don’t worry, though, we’ve got you covered. From finding the right freelancer to paying them once your project is finished, here’s what you need to know about collaborating with freelance video creators.

Finding & Hiring Freelancers

Finding the right freelancer for your project can be tricky. You need to feel like you can trust them to do the work well and on time. The first step to finding someone who meets your requirements is to determine your budget, the scope of the project, and exactly what you will need from the freelancer.

When planning your budget, be aware that you get what you pay for when it comes to quality. Higher rates will attract more experienced, professional freelancers. Knowing the scope of the project and the deliverables will also help you rule out anyone who can’t or won’t meet your requirements. Remember that the best freelancers can choose who they want to work for; so if you want them to work for you, you need to offer them competitive pay and be upfront about what you expect.

After you’ve taken that first step in planning, there are a number of ways that you can go about finding freelancers. However, one of the easiest is to use a platform like Storyhunter, where you can post your assignments or search for freelancers by particular skills and locations.

Before hiring a new freelancer, make sure that you watch their reel or work samples to see if they’re a good fit for your project. You should also set up a quick interview before offering them the job to learn more about their experience and whether you’ll work well together. Once you’re ready to hire, you should ask them to sign a contract outlining rights and terms of work.

Mashable recently hired Storyhunter filmmaker Eduards L.* to film drone shots for their branded video with DJI.


Experienced freelancers will probably ask you a lot of questions about your project — from whether you’ll cover their expenses to which specific camera equipment you want them to use. Make sure that you answer all their questions clearly, so they know what to expect from you. Plus, when you communicate frequently and in a timely manner, your production will run more smoothly and it can help prevent any future hiccups. However, even if you’re the best communicator, sometimes things can go wrong on production. Be prepared for this by scheduling in extra time and budget for the production.

Working on the Project

During and after working with you on a project, most freelancers will expect some sort of feedback, so that they can try to improve. If you want freelancers to respect you as a client, you need to respect them by offering insightful, constructive feedback on their work.

Furthermore, unless it is their fault for messing up production, don’t expect your freelancer to do extra work unless you offer to pay them more. If you ask your freelancer to go beyond the scope of the project that was originally agreed upon, you should also understand that they might not be able to continue working with you. They might have other assignments or plans after your production. Clients that attract the best freelancers are flexible, communicative, and fair.


Since freelancers don’t necessarily have steady paychecks, they often depend on reliable payment times. Once you’ve finished a project with a freelancer, they shouldn’t be left waiting months and months for you to pay them. With Storyhunter handling your payments, we guarantee that your freelancers will be paid within 30 days of a project’s completion. If you want to build lasting relationships with professional freelancers, you need to make sure that you can pay them in a timely manner.

*You must be logged in to the Storyhunter platform in order to see freelancer profiles. Want to start hiring freelancers around the world? Request a demo.

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By D. Simone Kovacs, Storyhunter Editor

