Hello, Invocable. Goodbye, clunky voice design tools.

Vasili Shynkarenka
2 min readNov 12, 2018


We’ve changed our name: Storyline is now Invocable.

When we founded Storyline in 2017, we set out to simplify the creation of Alexa skills. Instead of building yet another complicated code framework for developers, we wanted a visual tool that was made for the non-tech end-user first — fast to create, easy to use, with a simple but powerful interface.

As we’ve grown to 5,000 skills published to the Alexa Skills Store through Storyline (>8% of total number of skills), we realized that we needed a new identity that better reflected our vision of voice design.

The user experience of designing for voice hasn’t evolved in decades, and we wanted to re-energize everything about it, from its point of view, to its look and feel, to the product itself.

After all, our designs aren’t boring — so why should our design software feel dull?

Of course, with so many nontraditional users — including creative agencies, media companies, and even publishers — we needed a unique name.

And yes, we made a clear decision to not have “_____apps” or “_____flow” as our name. We wanted a name that was relatable, memorable, fun, and instantly recognizable the world over.

We chose Invocable.

From the beginning, we have believed in delivering a different kind of voice design tool.

Here’s what we like about it the most: Invocable means “capable of being invoked.” That is a perfect description of voice interaction. You invoke an assistant, and it delivers value.

Our product will continue to evolve with new features and functionality, but the look and feel will still be rooted in the simplicity that you know and love.

Lastly, we’d like to celebrate all of our customers, team, moderators, and partners for bringing us to where we are today.

This is just the beginning of our commitment to democratize the creation of voice applications.

We start from helping UX designers prototype Alexa Skills and will go to other platforms as we scale.

With our new name, we’re beyond excited to keep the journey going.

P.S. Invocable is invite-only at the moment, so we can make sure that our new product is a good fit for you.

To get started, you can request an invite here: https://www.invocable.com/.

From everyone at Invocable.



Vasili Shynkarenka

Builder, athlete, YC alum. If I lived in 1492, I’d be the first to join Columbus on his quest.