A Passer-by

Muthia Huda
Published in
Jun 18, 2023

A familiar face, a black-haired frame;
Laughter and smiles of ours is the bane
of hopes floating on my mind, it’s insane
how you were my lullaby,
Now you’re just a passer-by.

A peculiar place, on particular date;
Jokes and folks we told to each is the bare
memories in me — I call them rare,
Thought you’d never say good-bye,
Now you’re just a passer-by,

Unpopular taste, and some time to waste;
Comfort captured in reels is the flare
to the dark of my routine nightmare,
Thought you’d soothe all of those cries,
Now you’re just a passer-by,

Our hands towards blue sky;
Our strength and wings to fly;

False belief, all rectified;
Wild daydreams, they all scrape by;

You were once my only light;
You are now a passer-by.



Muthia Huda

a medical doctor, a poet, an Indie author of “She Was Almost Dead” (Available on Google Books)