A Woman in Hiding

When solitude becomes a mysterious choice

Debdutta Pal
Published in
7 min readApr 18, 2023


Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

The local supermarket stocked two types of canned lemonade. One carbonated and another labeled extra sweet. It was piled next to rows of paper towels, tissues, and other hygiene goods almost taking up an aisle.

Fewer choices meant less time spent agonizing over making the right one. Dorothy recalled the time in her life when everything got delivered to her doorstep. How she had herself convinced that she could never step out again. And here she was slowly pushing a cart as if time didn’t exist.

“Shhh…here she comes,” someone whispered in the next aisle.

“I stand by my theory”, the first one declared. “She’s someone famous. An influencer who made millions before quitting due to mental health reasons.”

“An actress”, another one chimed in. “That undyed but well-maintained hair, big black sunglasses, pandemic-era mask, and vintage headphones screams a woman in hiding. She’s been here five years and has never spoken to a single person, except employees of establishments like this.”

“But why here?” The third one asked, almost giving up on speculating.

That was the question that puzzled them the most. Dorothy chuckled to herself, mouth successfully guarded by…

