Art Nouveau

Anna Rozwadowska
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2019



Wrinkles to exasperation,

one mistake is bare~perhaps, there shan’t be a second chance,
perhaps luck allots for multiple harmonies in life,
dangling with one foot for safety while the other,
dissipates, in concrete structures where safety can be found;
inorganic yet safe.

We are organic by nature~composure of our inward waters tells us so,
surroundings of concrete behold us more so each day,
light~time is the missing component in the duality;

reasoning with our light~being, innate, perfected state,
can such dichotomy exist?

Bring together banal structure,
I firmly believe in genius of the human mind~ ego dissolution,
corners us in, when the brain needs oxygen and inspiration;
oxygen and inspiration~alongside water, we are organic creatures,
let perhaps plants grow beside you; made from the earth,
you will go back there as well; make friends with your essence,
it is no matter of your belief, you are organic, you are matter,
you are duality, you are dichotomy, you are light, you are the essential



Anna Rozwadowska

Owner, Editor of Storymaker, Hallow Literary, Literally Literary. Top Writer in Poetry. Writer, photographer, psychic, medium, and spiritual guide. M.A., Ph.D.