At the End of the Decade

A Year of Sonnets #111

Zach J. Payne
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2019


Perhaps there is a song in silent stone,
a memory that I could bring to bear
by light declaring I am not alone,
abandon grief into a sea of care
and let myself be healed by flowing time,
where distance is itself a soothing balm
and I could put my grief into some rhyme
discovering a blessed, secret calm
where nothing ever was. The blood will clot
and scars will blossom, jagged bits of skin;
though I will know the many things I’m not
perhaps another song would deign begin.

I do not hope for major keys or stars,
but I am weary of this bitter war.

The last couple of weeks, I’ve been feeling fairly unwell. Which means that I’ve had time to think about a lot of things. Couple that with an Instagram meme where I have the chance to sit and reflect on the decade ending and the last ten years years of my life, and you end up with a fairly painful introspective.

I don’t open up very much to people in my life. It’s very strange, because I’m much more open with the public on platforms where I know…

