Blood Moon

Ben Murphy
Published in
Jun 14, 2021
Photo by Victor Kallenbach on Unsplash

The Blood Moon hangs gothically
The winter mist wafts
The lunar eclipse has slunk across the night sky
Hiding and revealing, a slow moving haw

For the first time in her life
From the hospice balcony
The widow with cancer has time for
The mysterious beauty of a Blood Moon

Her grandson squirms with impatience and delight
Grandma, it’s coming it’s coming can’t you see
She laughs and cuddles playing the part
Her smile shrouding living with a dead heart

Eighteen months ago she given three
Mortality revealed for all to see
Imagine that time on the block
Waiting for the guillotine to drop

2021 Ben Murphy



Ben Murphy

Aussie, curious, like to think about issues, love to read, dabble in poetry.