Connecting the dots forward -a rebel idea in the world of AI

Amit way
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2022
Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash

We all have heard this “quote” but in different fashion, the usual understanding says that the dots can be connected backwards, never forward but if we ask why, then our response will be justification not the answer out of inquiry. What if I say it is possible to connect the dots in moving forward.

Let me establish the context first. A dot represents events, actions, choices we make that result into an outcome in the future common understanding, we can only see how our past choices and actions lead us to the present but here I propose you a framework that talks about alternative view that could help us designing the right future.

From the former approach, we might lose the view of what we are getting wrong simply because the human mind constantly interprets and negotiates with uncomfortable tasks and the chances we must take to grow. But as per our past habits and belief patterns, we keep interpreting every opportunity as a threat and a problem to avoid.

The surprising fact is that we will still interpret our journey best traveled and see those unaware choices behind success for our future self. However, the success comparatively may seems big or small as per who we compared to.

But the question is not whether comparison is bad or not, but the fact that if we could have access to right knowledge source and right mindset. We could know our potential well, could make informed choices, maybe we might not face struggles irrelevant and unnecessary for the desired goal. Maybe we could design world with more human like qualities than humans with robot minds.

But in reality, success is not an isolated phenomenon in today’s competitive world. If you and I stand on top of ladder, it’s obvious someone will lose the game in the end. That guy may feel stupid, unfortunate, blame past Karma, hate himself and society. All this could lead to anger, frustration, confusion and conflict in his mind and if he wins next time, pride will take over him with all past failures turning him an exploiter, a rebel.

He may feel he is successful and can connect the dots backwards, but it comes with a cost we could fail to see consequences of. Maybe it is a hidden dot we can’t see or we don’t want to. Obviously it’s good saying “we connect dots backwards just because it’s a human thing.”

But what about “forward dot theory”. I apologize for this, it’s just a rebel idea.



Amit way

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