Crimson Morning Sky

Randy Shingler
Published in
1 min readMar 29, 2020


Photography By Randy Shingler

Orange glimmers break in morning sky
As day slowly awakens with rising sun
Earth routinely rotates on revolving axis,
Breathing in deeply, new day’s cool air,
Awakening body to morning’s renewal.

Bright crimson overtakes orange glimmers,
Now I wonder what this day might hold
As uncertainty hovers within this scene,
World changing, never to be quite the same,
Each moment feels more precious now.

Gentle wind brushing against my face
Self-awareness of nature’s presence
Body’s nakedness caressed by wind,
Spirit lurks beneath my consciousness
It’s peaceful countenance, always here.

Pleasurable sensations, early morning hours,
Being awake when most are still asleep,
Solitude in meditations while time alone
Me, the wind and crimson morning sky.

Randy Shingler 2020



Randy Shingler

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.