Photo by Brijesh Nirmal on Unsplash

Don’t give to the beggars

Leana Hardgrave
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2020


They warned us not to give to the beggars
They maim their children
And create more beggars
Do not give to the beggars, they said
So I turned away from outstretched hands

Don’t offer food or money
We offer plenty for them
They have access to what they need, they said
So though my heart ached,
I walked away from the pleading mother

Don’t give them attention
Attention is their drug of choice, they said
So I clutched my bag and hid my money
I looked the other way
And pulled away when they grabbed my wrists

Don’t encourage the beggars, they said
The man with no legs pleaded from me
The child eating trash needed my food
The nursing mother wanted my blanket
And still, I gave them nothing

Don’t give to the beggars, they warned
I ignored the children on the street
And I gave the beggars nothing
But for all that I didn’t give
I gave them all I had

I gave to the beggars
Each and every one
I gave them my innocence
And they gave me their pain
And I know I’ll never be the same

Leana’s an avid world traveler who has been to over 40 countries and will be venturing to her 7th continent in 2022. She believes in ubuntu and that adventures make life worth living. To follow her journey as a plus-sized woman with unquenchable wanderlust as she continues to seek out all that the world has to offer, you can check out The Overweight Adventurer.



Leana Hardgrave

As an avid traveler and explorer, I’ve been humbled and inspired by so much of the world. I try to share the beauty of the world with you through my stories.