Ekphrasis I

Dom Wilton
Published in
1 min readJan 7, 2020
‘On Southwick Beach’, Photograph by the author

I thought of you today
But that’s nothing new
A flash of light
across a stained glass pane
A familiar face
in a gallery frame
I’m older now
But that’s ok
You haven’t aged at all

On a midsummer night
Ten years ago
We were sat on the stones
Stars shining bright
The sea spray hit us
With its salty bite
I loved you then
It felt so right
That you cradled your head against mine

Oh, the smell of your hair
Your pale smooth skin
Citrus perfume
Rising up through the air
The thoughts in your mind
The thoughts you laid bare
Form words in between us —
Feelings we shared —
And we kissed above the shore



Dom Wilton

History MA student at the University of Bristol. dominic.wilton@hotmail.com. Hope you enjoy x