I ain’t no Pavlov’s dog

Ben Murphy
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2021
Photo by Raoul Croes on Unsplash

I ain’t no Pavlov’s dog
But you could call me a runt
Mr Maslow assumes a lot
And my boss, well, he’s a cunt

He ventured to the shed today
‘Cos he’s a man with no shame
Talked about a beer with the boys
Wouldn’t even know our names

He talks about the company
Like it affects us all the same
But I’m on twenty two an hour
I ain’t got a bean to my name

So when he says to sacrifice
And try and save a buck
He never mentions his bonus, so
I really don’t give a fuck

I may be dumb, but I ain’t stupid
I know how the lever works
Pavlov’s dog may get a feed
But a select few get the perks

I coulda climbed the ladder
I coulda taken the bait
But I won’t rise above the pack
At the expense of me mates

And from down here that’s the problem
With the whole fucking game
It’s self interest on the way up
Down, we share the blame



Ben Murphy

Aussie, curious, like to think about issues, love to read, dabble in poetry.