I Make This Wish…

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3 min readFeb 5, 2024
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Our wishes are symbols of our hearts’ yearning for wholeness or immeasurable joy. We try to keep them safe and protect them in our hearts; they are like our dreams. We run towards them in pursuit of accomplishment, but at the center of it all it’s aiming for their reality to come true. You don’t need to be a star to make a wish.

Ever wondered why we look up to the sky or stars when attempting to pray or make a wish?

If you know what it demands for you to make your wish a reality, will you take it? This is because we’re an embodiment of the universe, just as trees are stuck to the ground or animals feed from Mother Nature. We all come from dust, and dust shall we run to? So making a wish is like connecting back to all of the stakeholders in the universe for a change, which in religious terms is speaking to God. This is possible because we’re a work of art, a star in human form with the ability to make requests if they are valid in due time.

Photo by Erik Brolin on Unsplash

I look at the faces of people, and I see possibilities, pain, strength (hustle), and love. If only we could see the signs and strive for more and better. We mostly look to others for direction and leadership, but what if there is a clear path for everyone? It can be your wish or goal, which might close out other possibilities, but it’s a choice we’re allowed to take. It must be difficult to be God by granting this much free will to be or do whatever as much as thoughts on what we want out of life. Many of us sometimes confuse promises or protection with our wishes being granted. We all want something more; we all want our dreams and our children to be able to be happy and have the best possible life in their existence. I beg you to choose to want more.

I desire for my loved ones’ hearts to be filled with joy; I wish for all humans to be equal; I wish for a reality that never has anyone beg for a chance for life; for a seat at the table of our lives (a metaphor); for peace of mind; for an equal distribution of knowledge, wealth, and opportunities, and freedom. I wish for world peace among nations, and death is a choice, or better yet, we have equal opportunity to say our goodbyes when it is time. These are mine for now. Go and make yours, and believe they will come through because you’re a Star.

Just trying to make sense of it all.

Karios 2024




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