“In love with your curves”

Amit way
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2022
Photo by Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash

i am in love

with your curves

not below, above or

around your stomach curves

but just below

your straight and tilted nose,

the curve that spread its wings

you never know

as you often ignore.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

its not that, curves don’t lie

its not that, you don’t look shy

its just that,

you think and overthink

why curves look shy

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

all curves matter

size, shape and color

do matter

what not matters is that

fairy tale that runs

on dark drunk roads of your mind

while you read these lines.

Photo by Dahiana Waszaj on Unsplash

if i say

you are good, don’t be too good

if i say

you are bad, don’t be too mad

and please, don’t blame those

curves you have,

curves that hide behind,

the curve that comes upon your face

as you read, these line

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

if you loved this poetry, i would love you to read halloween queen.

Hi buddy, thank you so much for taking out the time to be here. Thankful for every follow/clap/comment and the share THIS STORY receives. It feels great to read the poems / articles (among many other things) that fellow writers share and to interact with them on this platform. Having said that, feel free to express your views in the comments! I would appreciate it!

I have tried to portray thoughts on body image and lost smiles around such talks

DO share it with your dear ones,




Amit way

Hey! buddy, i am an engineer |POET | REBEL WRITER |YOUR LOST FRIEND|,POST 3x weekly on MIND AND MATTER. Support me here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/111amitverD