Kettle Steam A poem about biscuits and a fragile reality
Photo by Farzad Mohsenvand on Unsplash

Kettle Steam

A poem about a fragile reality

Larry G. Maguire
Published in
Mar 4, 2021


I don’t know where I go when I write.
Perhaps love,
Perhaps hate,
Or stream of consciousness might,

Catch hold of me.
Take me down.
No sense in knowing,
Not sure that I can.

Unfolding before me,
I’m reaching for words.
Like a dream,
Disappeared in the air like kettle steam.

Cup o’ tea?
Sure, what else can I do.
Little pleasures in the absence of more,
Or illusion to

Ease without chores.
Fighting for life.
Establishing permanence, what a wasteful fight

He enters my mind on the edge of what seems,
Not concrete,
Only kettle steam

© Larry G. Maguire 2021

Many thanks for taking the time to read my material. Visit me here on Medium at The Reflectionist where I write daily. — Larry



Larry G. Maguire

Work Psychologist & lecturer writing on the human relationship with work | Unworking | Future of Work | Leadership | Wellbeing | Performance |