Life is Meaningless

Bryce Godfrey
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2021
Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

We’re creatures roaming around a planet. Life doesn’t require us to do anything more than meet our biological needs for shelter, food, water, and sex.

Marketers and gurus have tricked us into believing we need more than the essentials to be fulfilled; that we need a job we love; that we need to find careers that help others; that we shouldn’t work a 9–5, or work solely for money.

An impoverished person from a third world country laughs at our
“problems” of finding a “purpose” while they’re starving and sleeping on the streets.

Life is challenging regardless of your socio-economic status. But we don’t need to make life more challenging by trying to find “meaning.”

Because life is meaningless. We’re simply evolved chimps who only need the essentials to be happy and live another day.

The meaninglessness of life can scare or motivate you.

If your feelings resonate with the former, I offer a perspective to ease your anxiety:

Because life is a lot simpler than we make it, and the only rules we need to follow are the ones we create, we have the freedom to declare authentic meaning without judgment.

We can be whatever we want to be if it brings us supplemental joy or fulfillment.

We can be influencers, artists, entrepreneurs, real estate agents, baristas, or porn stars.

We can work as little or as much as we want.

We can settle for the middle class or strive to be millionaires.

We can work the mundane 9–5 or build an empire.

Life is meaningless until you give it meaning.

Don’t choose purpose wisely or wait for it to choose you. You never know what you’re going to like. Start, stop, fail, succeed as many times as you need.

But remember to be grateful and excited you get a choice.

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Bryce Godfrey

I’ll help you reconnect to your true self | Authenticity | Trauma | Healing