
Justin Mark DeWolf
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2021
Photo by Aron Visuals from Pexels

I was going
to buy another pack of cigarettes
just to smoke one but
a poem is cheaper
and having more of them
won’t affect my cardiovascular system
which is reason enough
to claim these feelings yet
they are not mine and
this year I will do my best to
let things come to me
they will be good
because I get to choose how
to look at the way you threw
your head back —
an attempt to
reign in the tears; set
a cylinder of dried organics on fire
my palm on your back
helplessly watching
you burn to the ground

there was no easy way
to say goodbye before
the smoldering wholly suffocated me
although we drove miles toward
the sea for a breath of fresh air
you literally ran away
from the truth
I don’t get that
close to volcanoes anymore so
I couldn’t follow you back
into the crater now
all I can do is
keep my distance and watch for smoke
signaling the day
you rise
from the ashes



Justin Mark DeWolf

Writing, singing sometimes, living the time of my life. he / him