
Muthia Huda
Published in
Dec 11, 2020
Photo by Beatriz from Pexels

she said she heard whispers
tickling inside her head
but nobody listened,
it’s all inside your mind
they said.

she said she saw a face
in a place they said was safe
but nobody listened,
it’s all inside your mind,
they said.

she thought she saw a demon
hunting lovely children
outside, she saw him there
calling her name while
chasing the child.

save the child. save the child.
she went outside, so brave.
she did her best to beat the bad
and save the child
but no, the demon lied
the child was gone,
and she was why.

she said she had been chased
by the demon who wants her dead.
she just wanted to save the child.
but like another day of life
nobody listened, nobody cared.
all they did was blame
then she was cuffed and left
broken… forever.



Muthia Huda

a medical doctor, a poet, an Indie author of “She Was Almost Dead” (Available on Google Books)