Tapping Into Our Creativity

It’s funny how the simple stuff we do on the daily, leads us there.

Carolyn Riker


The other evening, I was washing the dinner dishes and I glanced outside. What caught my eye was the colors of the sky when this ditty of inspiration came through.

“The clouds are ancient this evening. Alabaster and pink on a slate-gray sky. They stopped to say, hello. Are you okay? Close your eyes. Let’s stay here for a few and hold onto a piece of quiet. Just you and me and the earth, soaking up needed soul rays so you can stay close with the heartbeat of love and truth.”

Some of my best thought streams, come in when I’m doing the everyday stuff.

It’s a wide-open zone of receiving limitless ideas, without walls and rules and it flows freely.

Some of those ideas work and others don’t. Some pieces feel too way-out-there but some are exquisitely juicy. So much so, that I get goose bumps.

Sometimes, I’ll know exactly what I want to write and other days I struggle. Ideas aren’t always neat little entities.



Carolyn Riker

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!