The Earth Sings of Wonder

John Driggs
Published in
1 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

I wonder at the earth, my home.
Wonder at her relationships
With space, time, and darkness,
With the sun, moon, and stars.

I wonder at Her deepest oceans and highest peaks,
Wonder at Her deserts and Her forests.
At Her skies, rain, wind, and thunder.

I wonder at Her motions, at Her currents, and seasons.
I wonder at Her plants and critters, at Her people,
Wonder at how She holds me in Her,
And at how I hold Her in me.

I wonder at Her wonder, at Her knowings, Her understandings,
Wonder at Her music, poetry, art, and expression.
I wonder at Her longings, passions, and motivations.
I wonder at Her pain, at her patience, humility, and tranquility.
I wonder at Her death, at Her giving herself to the sun, to the light.
I wonder about Her rebirth.

Can you see yourself in Her?

I wonder.

John Driggs | Philosopher, Attorney, Writer, Human Rights Activist | Let’s explore this beautiful, awe-inspiring Space of Possibility |

