This inevitable crush

Justin Mark DeWolf
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2021

A thought is all
it takes
hold from
there I find myself soaring as
axons alight still
images of you unbidden, smiling
earnest eyes reactivated
ecstasy in an instant
you said [it]
dissipated months ago
, but
barefoot pirouettes on the grass, ravishing
flatteries streaming from
lips yet unkissed, magnetic
skin brushing intentionally-unintentionally against
skin, even
at first glance it was obvious —

although we’d both maybe forgotten
the way you looked
at me
that night in October — September?, diagonally
across the kitchen table
amid boyfriends
a fifth wheel
trying to stay
focused on the food, speaking
when spoken to — but you
kept asking me questions and
let me show you
[something]— was that
admiration in your gaze[?] genuine
attraction, heightened
heart-rate, each time I knew

you hoped I’d come

as much as

I hoped you’d be

there is no resisting
the sirenic delight of your voice
a word is all it takes
hold from
there, sparking



Justin Mark DeWolf

Writing, singing sometimes, living the time of my life. he / him