Dipo Adebayo
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2023


Your Dreams Are Worth Fighting For.

4 Things To Do To Achieve Your Dreams.

In 1919, a guy called Walter was fired from his job because, his editor said, he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” This guy later went on to establish a company called "Walt Disney" with 220,000 employees as of 2022.

Imagine if Walter had believed the editor.

Sometimes, people make us feel our dreams don't matter, or are unrealistic, or that we don't have what it takes to achieve them.

That’s okay. Imagine the Wright brothers telling their friends in 1903 that they were going to build something that flies; it must have seemed unimaginable to those friends.

Sometimes, we are our only cheerleaders. Sometimes, it's tough for others to see a possibility in the future the way we do.

Don’t get discouraged that your dream isn’t yet getting approval or support. Sometimes, people need to see a thing work, for them to believe that it can.

Also, don’t get bitter. Instead, do these 4 things:

1. Ask God to send the right people to support you, who have the right character, skills and resources that you need, and who believe in your vision, even though they can’t see it yet. He will answer that prayer.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

2. Communicate your vision clearly.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Sometimes, the issue is not that people don’t want to believe in our vision, but that we aren’t communicating it clearly.

Consider this: Are you explaining your vision simply enough to make your audience see its possibility and see its benefits?

Are there examples, analogies, stories, pictures or videos, that you can use to communicate your vision clearly?

3. Keep putting in the work your dream requires.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

What things do you need to achieve your dreams?

Skills or Experiences? Find out the skills you need to achieve your dreams and goals. Learn those skills and become good at them. Gain that experience even though it's tough

The Right People? Learn how to network and find places (online and physically) where you can meet and connect with the people you need to achieve your dreams.

Money or Other Resources? Prayerfully & diligently look for ways to raise the money or resources you need, by working for it and asking the right people or organizations to support you.

Give your dreams the effort it takes to make them a reality.

4. Press on, despite the discouragement.

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

Those deep longings that God put in your heart are worth chasing, regardless of people’s initial indifference or pushback.

Don’t back down at the slightest challenge in your way. Whatever is worth it, is worth fighting for.

Don’t stop trying until you achieve your God-given dreams, and when you do, you will look back and realize all the effort you put in was more than worth it.


When next you’re tired and feel like giving up on your dreams, watch this video: https://adebayodipo.medium.com/heres-why-you-shouldn-t-give-up-5fcb55984927

And read this story:

How to Overcome Fear and Rejection— The Rejection Story of Jack Ma: https://adebayodipo.medium.com/how-to-overcome-failure-rejection-ee58978dbf6e

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Dipo Adebayo

I am a water engineer, softskills coach, writer & teen counselor. I write on hope and rising above shame, rejection, fear & failure. Follow on IG @dipoadebayo