Inventions: 5 cool reads for this weekend

Namita Bhatawdekar
Story of Inventions
2 min readJan 22, 2017

Want a patent of your own?

Ever wonder how people get ideas for new inventions? Is it an inborn talent? Can only a selected few with the brains invent? Is there an age limit to inventing?

I think not.

In today’s day and age, with so much happening around you, an idea is just around the corner. Observe, read, listen — anything as small as observing people walk might spark an idea to build a better shoe. I sit here writing this article and see a newspaper lying in front of me. How about a self-flipping newspaper? Eh?

In the spirit of inspiring, here are 5 cool things I came across this week:

  1. A postage stamp sized sun-powered water purifier

“The device comes from scientists at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University’s Institute for Materials and Energy Science. It measures 1 centimeter by 2 centimeters, about the size of half a postage stamp, and decontaminates water fast using a readily available resource — visible light from the sun’s rays.

The invention could let hikers (and later, people living in developing countries) clean their water quickly without resorting to other power-fueled methods, such as the tried-and-true tactic of boiling water, or an ultraviolet wand, which requires charging.”

2. Pizza scissors for a hassle-free slice

“The latest innovation in the pizza cutters are the pizza scissors. The scissors have a spatula attached to them. The spatula supports the slice of pizza by sliding under it making it easier to the serve the slice of pizza.”

3. Pocket-sized drone to capture selfies

“Instead of extending your arm or using a selfie stick to snap shots of you and your crew, you could use a new pocket-size drone — dubbed the “AirSelfie” — to help you remotely capture aerial photos and videos.

The AirSelfie is equipped with a 5-megapixel camera that can shoot full high-definition (HD) 1080p video, as well as a 4GB microSD card”

4. Mobile pocket printer

The Mobile Robotic Printer from Zuta labs, Jerusalem have come up with the smallest printer ever.

5. Kangaroo Cup

11 year old Lily invented this to help her grandfather with his Parkinson’s disease.

