Your words can be more powerful than you can imagine!

Kasumi Takam
Storyteller Unplugged
4 min readSep 15, 2020
Photos from Pexels

I am quite confident that a word can change someone's life. Don't you guys feel the same way? I get utterly annoyed when people knowingly hurt someone with their words and try to defend themselves by saying, ‘It's just a word, not a big deal’! Like, seriously?

However, the bigger picture is — they don't realise that words are more potent than most of us understand. Words can cut like a knife, sting like a bee, and shatter someone's self-confidence in an instant. In everyday conversation, we don't realise it, but sometimes our tongue gets a slip and uses some words which knowingly or unknowingly affect the other person. Remember, in today's world, we are defined by how we use our tongues and the words that leave our lips daily. If you are a person who complains every day about silly things and how you're stuck with your life, then you need to STOP!

For example, every day you come to work, your colleagues greet you with ‘ How are you?’. Instead of replying: Not so good…Pathetic, try to reply to them with a positive note: Wonderful…Good, How's yours? AmazingHaving a great morning. Trust me, these positive words will enlighten you and the person who has asked the question rather than negative words, which only bring negative energy.

Words are how we express our opinions, emotions, and unfortunately, a way to flint pain on others. We don't realise that words cannot be taken back once said. Our human tongue is like an arrow. Once released, it cannot be withdrawn. Like sharp glasses, words can slowly work their way out and later cause pain to whom they come in contact. We must always be careful with our most precious weapons, OUR TONGUES, and the words they create. But unfortunately, many people feel powerful when they use words as a weapon. We must understand that weapons and words are two different things.

Words containing negative meanings are the ultimate weapon against antagonists, while those with weak souls' negative words are defenceless for them and can hurt any person.

Though kids are bullied at school physically and verbally, it is no secret in our society that even when you are out of school or college. People still think using hurtful words to make themselves feel better is okay. Physical bullying is a problem, but the after effect of verbal bullying can significantly impact how the victims see themselves as they carry scars from their past.

Now I have been too a victim of bullying during my school years. I know the feeling and horrors an individual has to go through and how verbal abuse affects our self-esteem and makes us feel worthless.

While growing up, I hated going to school because of the words my peers used against me. The action was hurting me not only on the outside but on the inside too.

It just rips us apart from who we are, and I genuinely don't want anyone to feel the way I did because nobody deserves that. Period!!

Just wonder what if people learned to keep their hurtful comments to themselves instead of blurting them out without thinking about how they will affect others. What if we handed out compliments instead of hurling insults and meant them? Imagine how we could change the world if we were kind to one another and the words we use with our actions.

Remember, complimenting someone sincerely can stay with them for just as long as spiteful comments. And lifting someone feels much better than putting them down. So just try to give genuine compliments daily to someone because, who knows, your words can lift that person's mood.

Another of my favourite practically I have used for years in my life is sharing books. It can create an impact on a person. It is one of the most potent ways to bring the richness and complexity of words into our life to explore their power. The words in a book can spark the imagination, stir the soul, introduce new ideas, and explore their passion. Try to talk freely with your siblings, friends, or anyone about a book, its words, values, and beliefs. Empower young people to use their words to create a meaningful life story for themselves, connect with others, and make a positive difference.

Words incite people to commit acts of violence, just as words that can unite and heal. Words have tremendous power. So, it's essential to encourage thought and dialogue while at the same time watching your words.



Kasumi Takam
Storyteller Unplugged

Founder of Storyteller Unplugged. A young and enthusiastic girl, with a passion for writing. A long standing bookworm and a caffeineaholic.