A Colorful World

Storytellers Time
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2016

Chapter 1

I sigh as I look around. I soak up all the details quickly, and I automatically imagine sketches for my, drum roll please, new school! My new school is a HUGE building, with one big tower in the middle. Unfortunately, all the colors are just gray, gray, and more gray. I sigh again, and trudge on to a possibly terrible school year.

Chapter 2

“Hi! Um.. hi! HEY YOU!” said a girl in a yellow dress. I looked up from my sketch of my new school. “Yes?” I said as the girl sat beside me. “HiIamSahsanicetomeetyou!” she said. I gave her a weird look. “Uh, okay, um, Sahsa My name is Sage.” I said. “OhhiSagenicetomeetyou!” she said. “Um… can you slow down?” Iasked, already regretting saying hi. “Sorry, I get exited” she said, rubbing the back of her head. “New here?” she asked. “Yeah,” I said. Then, well then, let’s just say I made an awesome new friend.

Chapter 3

“Wow! That is AMAZING!” said Sahsa, looking over my shoulder. I smiled. “Sage, you really should show someone your art, like, I don’t know, our art teacher, Mr. Davis,” she said. “Look, Shasa, I DON’T SHARE MY ART! I have already told you that,” I said, already annoyed. “I don’t care, it is awesome,” said Sahsa. I grunted and covered my sketch with my hands. “Leave me alone!” I shouted, my face turning red. “F-fine, S-Sage.” Sahsa said, a single tear running down her face. She turned and left.

Chapter 4

I sighed, and resumed to my sketch. I heard the front door slam. She was gone, no use whining now. “Hey Sage?” said Mom, “Yeah?” I replied. I heard her mutter “yes not yeah” then she asked “Where did Sahsa go?” “Sahsa who?” I said. “Do NOT give me that attitude young lady!” she said, flushed. “The girl you met when you were drawing on our porch? Then you made ‘the best friend you’ve always wanted’? You know what? I don’t care anymore, you always push away people who try to HELP you!” she was shouting now. I got up and left.

Chapter 5

The park was a bright green. I saw a flyer: Art Competition. I quickly read through it, and got an idea. A way to say sorry. I looked around, and my imagination blossomed. I ran to a nearby tree, and sketched. And sketched. And sketched. By the time it was dawn, I was halfway through with my sketch. I looked up, sighed, and headed for home.

Chapter 6

“Move it!’ said Sahsa, with Them. Them were a group of girls that have no mercy for anyone, not even they’re own kind. I didn’t say a word, just left. “Hey Sage, nice drawing, who made it, a monkey?” Sahsa called after me. The worst part about having her as an enemy is that she knows EVERYTHING about me, that I hate it when people make fun of me, and that monkeys are my fav. animal. I felt my face getting hot. I ignored her and entered the art room. She didn’t follow. Perfect. I slid It out. I looked at It. “Man, I really need to name It somethine other than It,” I said to myself. I finished sketching.

Chapter 7

“And the winner is….. Sage Colt for her beautiful piece called ‘Sorry’. Let’s give a hand for Sage Colt!” said my principal, Mr. W. “S-Sage?” I turned around. “I-I am s-so s-sorry, please forgive my, I-I s-saw your sketch, a-” said Sahsa. “Done, and done,” I said interrupting her. Her face lit up. “Sage! your father would have been proud,” said Mom, a sad look on her face. “I am,” said a man. With a ring on his finger. “Dad!” I cried out, then noticed the ring. Mom did to. “Whos the lucky girl Robert?” she manged to choke out. “You, Sage,” he said pointing at Mom.

Chapter 8

“I do, for the second, and last, time,” said Mom, and Dad together. I smiled and looked at my friend. She smiled back. I sighed and said: “A Colorful World.”

This is not my drawing, just a image I found online at Google images.



Storytellers Time

I L-O-V-E to write, even if my stories aren’t the best, but the more I write the better I get, so please give my content a like. I am glad I found this site.