A Dog’s Life

Storytellers Time
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2016

Chapter 1- The Introduction
Hi! I am Buster, and no I am not a boy, I am a girl. I know what you are thinking: “Why do you have a boy’s name?” I happen to like my name, so, boo-hoo to you! Anyway, this is my story, so enjoy!

  • Author’s Note: Hi everyone! Anyway, so how do y’all like my new story? If a least one person reads this and (maybe, doesn’t have to) comments on feedback, then I will add chapter two! This is your story too, so feedback will needed, and I will do polls, so get ready to type! Anyway I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I will, writing it. Bye for now: StoryTeller101!*

Chapter 2- The Beginning
“I choose this one!” said the girl. “You sure?” said the man behind her. The girl nodded and picked me up. “Hmm… I know! Your name should be Buster!” “Charlie, that puppy is a girl,” said Charlie’s father. “I know, but my is Charlie so,” said Charlie, looking at her dad. He sighed and said “Fine, but you are taking care of hi- I mean her, okay?” The young Charlie smiled and nodded, and didn’t let me go the whole day. And that is how I got my name.

Opps, sorry acidently pasted it here, can’t delete it ;)

Chapter 3- Growing up
“Buster down!” shouted Charlie. I whinned and her eyes softened. “Fine, here you go,” she said, handing me two pieces of bacon. I was smiling until her dad yelled “Charlie, do NOT feed Buster bacon or he will get sick!” Let’s just say he was right. While I was sick, Charlie followed me around saying “sorry Buster” over and over and over again. It warmed my heart to know that she cared. And that is how Charlie and I started to become BFFs.

*Author’s Note: SOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!! I was very busy. Hope y’all enjoyed this chapter.*



Storytellers Time

I L-O-V-E to write, even if my stories aren’t the best, but the more I write the better I get, so please give my content a like. I am glad I found this site.