
Storytellers Time
Published in
1 min readNov 19, 2016

Hi again, so I have created a publication to join, you must title your new story “Storytellers Time Submission” and then type your story. It has to follow these rules:

  1. Must follow one of these tags: Fun, Fiction, Poetry, Life, or Blogging
  2. Must not be hateful to ANYONE

If one of my editors likes it, they will contact me, and I will read you story. If I like it and it follows the rules, I will ask you to write a propt. If I like the prompt I will ask you to join us as a writer and an editor. If you say yes, then your in!



Storytellers Time

I L-O-V-E to write, even if my stories aren’t the best, but the more I write the better I get, so please give my content a like. I am glad I found this site.