Something Important

Storytellers Time
Published in
1 min readNov 25, 2016

Hi, so my mom is hurt, badly. You see, years ago, (Before I was born) she had a bad accident that lead to permenat back problems. Today, Mama (my mom) cried from pain, and Mama NEVER EVER cries! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I won’t be updating or ANYTHING. I feel so helpless :( I just want to cry. I can’t help my mom, but I can help a kid in my class with an eye injury. And I had NO IDEA WHAT WAS GOING ONLY THAT HIS EYE HURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I will help out more. OHuh? Oh! Papa (my dad) is calling got to go. Bye for the last (or at least until Mama heals): StoryTeller101



Storytellers Time

I L-O-V-E to write, even if my stories aren’t the best, but the more I write the better I get, so please give my content a like. I am glad I found this site.