Happy Holidays! Let’s Read More in 2015 with the Edgar Book Club

Ralitsa Golemanova
Storytelling for Brands
1 min readDec 27, 2014
Welcome to the Edgar Book Club! And happy 2015!

Happy holidays, friends!

Hope you’re having a good time and you’re fully indulging in the little pleasures of the holidays. That’s what we are doing!

We’d be more than happy to meet you in the new 2015 — refreshed and ready for some good storytelling times.

In the meantime, check out our New Year Storytelling Resolutions to get a few creative ideas for your great goals in 2015.

And let’s make a common resolution — to read more in the coming year! You know, like in the good old days. Maybe without a pipe and a fireplace, but still romantic.

To inspire and motivate you (and ourselves), we’ve created the Edgar Book Club! Check out our first awesome bundles that will get you started.

Originally published on Edgar’s blog.



Ralitsa Golemanova
Storytelling for Brands

Wordsmanship, brand storyteller @Swipes, mountains and seas, pretty pictures and stuff.