Presenting (Drum-roll)… The Detective Brand Story Canvas

Ralitsa Golemanova
Storytelling for Brands
1 min readFeb 3, 2015

My fellow storyteller — and brand detective!

Your mission to discover the beating heart of your business, your authentic brand story, just got easier. And we all know how important finding this narrative is.

Edgar gives you the Detective Brand Story Canvas, a simple yet powerful visual canvas that helps you ask the right questions about your brand. Each question is quite straightforward, so it leads your attention with the power of a laser focus to the various aspects of your story.

So sit down, put on your detective hat, light up an imaginary pipe and start making more logical (and creative) connections per minute than Sherlock Holmes. It’s all about unravelling the mystery of your brand!

Originally published at on February 3, 2015.



Ralitsa Golemanova
Storytelling for Brands

Wordsmanship, brand storyteller @Swipes, mountains and seas, pretty pictures and stuff.